26th September 2011
10.30 – 12.00 Opening Ceremony. Norwegian Minister of Environment and Development, Erik Solheim, and Minister of Education, Muhammad Nuh (TBC).
Venue: Floating room (Ruang Pertemuan Apung, Perpustakaan Pusat UI)
12.00 – 13.00 Lecture by Kim Holmén: “Rapid Climate Change in the Arctic and Consequences for the World”. Mr Holmén is International Director at the Polar Institute in TromsØ, Norway.
Venue: Floating room (Ruang Pertemuan Apung, Perpustakaan Pusat UI)
Film: “Breaking the Ice”. The films portrays the researcher and scientist Fritjof Nansen (53 minutes)
28th September 2011
14.00 – 15.00 Lecture by Daniel Mudiarso: “Using the forest to mitigate climate change”
Mr Mudiarso is a Senior Scientist at the Center of International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Professor at the Departement of Geophysics and Meteorolgy, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The lecture will be given in Bahasa Indonesia.
Venue: Floating room (Ruang Pertemuan Apung, Perpustakaan Pusat UI)
5th October 2011
10.00 – 11.00 Lecture by Dr. Budi Haryanto: “Health impacts of climate change and research for adaptation”.
Dr. Haryanto is Head of Research Division of the Research Center for Climate Change. The Lecture will be given in Bahasa Indonesia.
Venue: Floating room (Ruang Pertemuan Apung, Perpustakaan Pusat UI)
12th October 2011
10.00 – 11.00 Lecture by Jostein Gaarder: “Human Rights and Human Obligation. What can be done to address climate change?”
Jostein Gaarder is an author from Norway with high international esteem. With his novel “Sophie’s World” he won the world’s best fiction title in 1995, 33 milion sold copies and translated into 55 languages. Gaarder has established a humanitarian foundation, The Sophie Prize. The prize is an international award for environment and sustainable development.
Venue: Floating room (Ruang Pertemuan Apung, Perpustakaan Pusat UI)
If you want to come, please confirmation to me: climatechange_ui@yahoo.com or if you want to asking something about this event, call me: +6221 60878040
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