Monday, April 16, 2012

Shoes: Waiting List

Lagi-lagi tentang sepatu :D
Kali ini nemu lagi sepatu lucu di UP store. Btw, you can go to their website for online shop:

Nah, sepatu yg lagi saya suka kali ini adalah AMELIE REDD!! Marry Jane style and red! Perfect combination..
Amelie Red

Nah, buat yg belum tau caranya pesen online di, kalian bisa masuk ke sitenya, terus daftar dulu, sign up. Setelah kalian isi data-datanya, nanti kalian bisa pilih-pilih sepatu terus daftar yang akan kalian beli masuk dalam shopping cart kalian. Segera lakukan pembayaran agar prosesnya segera di confirm. Setelah itu, sepatu kalian akan diproses dalam waktu 14 hari dan dikirim ke alamat kalian.

Selamat berbelanja :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rumah Lain

Hello world,
I've made my new blog, hahhaa.. (so many blogs I have, anyway..) sometimes I get confused which account, username, and password I've used. lol
but this the address (if you want to see):

Black on Red is my other blog, and some of the different with this blog it's English version! And I try to write in English, but Im sorry for bad English. I just try to make myself usual with English in oral and written.

Why I named is Black on Red?
Because, when I made that, Im using BLack on Red clothes. As simple as that. And so many people use that username too --"
but, fortunately, I get the name too, lol.

Well, readers.. Its night btw, I have to sleep.
And thank you for reading this 'gak penting' posts.